Monday, July 10, 2006

Somebody Call the Fire Department....

Cuz I. Am. Smokin..... I finished Mandy's Opal Petticoat socks (that's pair #3 for July). And look, they are identical, even the toes!!!! Mandy says she doesn't like her socks to match (she says I have issues). But is she knitting them? NO, she isn't. Mom is. So if the stripes can match, Honey, they will. I hope I don't get "sock burn-out" or reach critical mass or something. I have 4 empty sets of size 1's and more yarn to knit. My Sensi (Monica) will be tsk, tsking me for being so sinful as to have (so many) empty needles. I will find a way to remedy that situation. It's back to work for me tomorrow, I mean today. My hot streak may be over. Stay tuned.


monica said...

I think you are in some kind of race. You are just whipping those socks out like crazy. Is there smoke coming off your needles? They look great! usual.

tatt3r said...

Those are beautiful socks! I have a ball of Petticoat languishing in my basket, and I hear it calling my name now.

I prefer my socks to match, too. I know the pain of uneven stripes. I see it every time I put them on, and it hurts my eyes.

Shelley L. MacKenzie said...

Those are lovely colours in that pair of pretty!

Wow, 3 pairs in July already and it's only the 11th??? You go girl!! Man, I haven't been able to get one done yet...though I did work on the pair in the Easter colour way for a bit earlier on. My wrist is aching some tonight so I'll be heading out momentarily to rest it and do some reading - though I wish it were knitting...

kathy b said...

Sock burnout? Nah.

We the firemen cute?

Dipsy Doodle said...

Oh, I love your socks, they're so gorgeous with these cheerful colors! It seems you're pretty addicted to sock knitting - cheers for that, the same for me here! So: Happy sock knitting!
Dipsy D.

Ginger said...

Holey Moley! You are a sock knitting machine!

I have some Petticoat just waiting for me to rescue it from the stash. Hmmm, might have to go do that.

Beth Roy said...

Do you ever sleep? Yikes, you put me to shame with all those lovely socks! Meanwhile... I'm still plugging away on the same pair of Confederate Grays.