I have finished my last pair of socks for August. These are my CTH Serengeti socks knit with my sister's pattern she designed for the new CTH Sockittome yarn. It is another great pattern (she is so talented, and I love being her test knitter!). I started them on 6/27 and finished them 8/31 (not the longest time it's taken me to finish a pair of socks). So this makes 6 pair for SOS2007, 15 pair for 52 PP, takes care of Project Spectrum (so did the previous 2 pair), and this is the 24th pair for the year (4 more and I tie last years record...I think I will be breaking it though).
And after completing my round of DishRag Tag, the dishcloth craze continued. I finally finished the Ballband dishcloth I started last year along with three new ones (now if I could just get someone other than myself to use them, I'd have it made).
I'm looking forward to my three day weekend (lots of knitting time). Have a great Labor Day weekend everyone and be safe. More later!