Two posts in the same month and within a week of each other...it must be a miracle.
Last year sometime (and I'm just guessing here) between January and March, I started a scarf that I never blogged about. I decided to work on a UFO today and pulled this out of the basket (it's really a plastic container). I'm using a sock yarn I bought at a local wool festival many years ago. No ballband, I just know that it is 100% Merino Wool that needs to be hand washed. I'm using a US 4 Addi Turbo. This is the Mead Scarf by Elizabeth Morrison (linked to Ravelry). I put a couple more repeats on it today, so it's growing!
I did a count today; I have 24 UFOs. I must work on this.
I also started a hat this week. This pattern can be found in the Fons and Porter Love of Knitting Summer 2009 magazine. The Petal Tam: Trekking XXL (I lost the ballband so I don't know the color #), on US 2 needle. I have started this yarn in about 4 or 5 sock patterns over the last few years and never liked any of them, I think it's making a very pretty "tam".
I hope everyone is having a safe and fun holiday weekend. I love that I still have two more days off!!!! Happy Knitting!